
The Importance of Self-Confidence in Entrepreneurship And Business Success

Often, the secret sauce behind many successful business people isn’t solely their smarts or luck, but something much more personal. Right at the core of making big things happen is self-confidence in entrepreneurship. Rather than being loud or showy, it’s a quiet kind of confidence, knowing you’ve got what it takes to make good decisions and stick by them.

Why is this inner belief so important for someone running their own business, and why should we care? More importantly, how can you, as an aspiring entrepreneur or big dreamer, make use of this quiet confidence for yourself? It’s one thing to recognize its value, but another to embody it, especially in a world where self-doubt often shouts louder than self-assurance.

This conversation aims to help unpack the insights, tools, and mindsets needed to build and nurture self-confidence in the entrepreneurial/business process, turning potential into action. It examines deeply how this quiet force fuels innovation and leadership in entrepreneurship, business, and any other career or pursuit in life.

Contents show

What is Self-Confidence in Entrepreneurship?

Self-confidence in entrepreneurship is the firm belief in one’s abilities to achieve business goals. It involves trust in one’s decision-making and resilience in facing challenges, essential for facing the uncertainties of starting and growing a venture. It fuels the drive to improve skills, adopt positive thinking, and persevere through times when things don’t go as planned.

For entrepreneurs, being confident enough to hire people, accept risk tolerance, and bounce back from setbacks is key. A confident person is not strictly hardworking but also open to learning from mistakes. They understand that they can’t go far without confidence, recognizing the need to develop this trait actively.

Now, why and how exactly is self-confidence important in business and entrepreneurship?

Why is Self-Confidence Important in Business and Entrepreneurship?

Self-confidence is important in business and entrepreneurship because it empowers individuals to take risks, make decisive choices, and persist through setbacks. This inner trust fosters leadership, innovation, and the ability to inspire and motivate teams, driving the success and growth of the enterprise.

It is what empowers you to gain confidence and begin living your vision, one step at a time. Entrepreneurs who lack confidence might find themselves grappling with imposter syndrome, questioning their capacity to achieve success. Yet, it’s through acknowledging these doubts that one can truly adopt the process of becoming a self-confident individual.

Understanding the importance of self-confidence in business and entrepreneurship is the first step to this transformative process. Let’s probe deeper as to why this trait is indispensable in the entrepreneurial/business world.

Boosts Decision-Making Speed

Quick and decisive action is often the difference between success and stagnation in business. Entrepreneurs armed with confidence in their abilities can make sound decisions swiftly, cutting through the noise of uncertainty. This agility allows for rapid responses to market changes, competitor moves, and internal challenges, keeping the business dynamic and forward-moving.

Key Points:

    • Accelerates response times to market changes.
    • Reduces hesitation and second-guessing.
    • Encourages reliance on intuition and experience.
    • Simplifies complex decision-making processes.

A confident entrepreneur essentially doesn’t waste precious time overanalyzing or doubting their choices, which can be the key to overcoming competitors.

Enhances Leadership Credibility

Leadership is more than simply giving orders; it’s inspiring confidence and trust in your team. A leader who exudes self-confidence naturally instills a sense of security and reliability among employees, enhancing their credibility. This trust builds a more cohesive and motivated team, ready to face challenges head-on.

Key Points:

    • Builds trust among team members.
    • Motivates employees to perform at their best.
    • Emboldens others to take initiative and lead.
    • Projects a strong and reliable leadership image.

When leaders display confidence, it becomes contagious, inspiring others to adopt a similar positive mindset and approach toward their goals.

Drives Risk-Taking for Innovation

Innovation requires stepping into the unknown, which is easier said than done without the cushion of self-confidence. Entrepreneurs who feel confident are more likely to take calculated risks, breaking new ground and setting their ventures apart. This risk-taking is essential for innovation, driving businesses to explore uncharted territories and discover novel solutions.

Key Points:

    • Encourages exploration of innovative ideas.
    • Supports risk assessment and management.
    • Fuels the pursuit of groundbreaking projects.
    • Overcomes fear of failure.

Confident entrepreneurs view risks not as threats, but as opportunities for growth and innovation, which is crucial for business growth.

Improves Resilience to Setbacks

Setbacks and failures are par for the course in the entrepreneurial journey. However, it’s the confidence to persevere and bounce back from these challenges that distinguishes successful entrepreneurs. Self-confidence fosters resilience, enabling individuals to learn from mistakes, adapt, and move forward with renewed vigor.

Key Points:

    • Strengthens the ability to recover from failures.
    • Encourages a positive outlook on challenges.
    • Prevents discouragement and maintains motivation.
    • Facilitates the process of learning from mistakes.

A self-assured entrepreneur views setbacks as stepping stones rather than roadblocks, an attitude that is essential for long-term success.

Attracts Investors and Partners

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to securing investment or forming strategic partnerships. Confidence in one’s vision and capabilities can significantly influence potential investors and partners, persuading them of the viability and potential of the business idea. This confidence is communicative, making stakeholders more likely to support and invest in the venture.

Key Points:

    • Builds trust and credibility with potential investors.
    • Conveys a strong belief in the business’s potential.
    • Makes a compelling case for the viability of the venture.
    • Encourages others to share in your vision and enthusiasm.

The confidence to persuasively present one’s business can be the determining factor in attracting essential support and resources.

Facilitates Effective Communication

Clear and persuasive communication is at the heart of many business operations, from sales pitches to team meetings. Self-confidence empowers individuals to express their ideas more effectively, ensuring their message is not only heard but also respected and considered. This clarity and assertiveness in communication can significantly impact negotiations, sales, and team dynamics.

Key Points:

    • Enhances clarity and persuasiveness in communication.
    • Builds respect and authority in conversations.
    • Improves the ability to articulate ideas and visions.
    • Strengthens negotiation skills.

Effective communication, bolstered by confidence, ensures that an entrepreneur’s ideas are not just voiced but also valued and acted upon.

Encourages Employee Motivation

A confident leader leads by example and also instills confidence in their team, encouraging them to reach their full potential. This environment of mutual trust and belief boosts employee morale and motivation, driving them to commit fully to the company’s objectives and work towards their personal and professional development.

Key Points:

    • Inspires employees to take on challenges.
    • Creates a supportive and empowering work culture.
    • Boosts team morale and job satisfaction.
    • Encourages personal and professional growth among team members.

When employees feel supported and believed in, they are more likely to go the extra mile, contributing to the overall success of the business.

Strengthens Problem-Solving Skills

Confidence is a vital ingredient in effective problem-solving. It allows entrepreneurs to approach obstacles with a can-do attitude, fostering creative and practical solutions. A confident mindset facilitates out-of-the-box thinking, enabling entrepreneurs to tackle problems from different angles and devise innovative solutions.

Key Points:

    • Promotes creative and innovative thinking.
    • Enhances the ability to tackle challenges head-on.
    • Encourages the exploration of multiple solution paths.
    • Builds resilience in the face of complex problems.

Problem-solving is an indispensable skill in business, and confidence amplifies an entrepreneur’s ability to navigate and resolve issues effectively.

Elevates Customer Trust and Loyalty

Customers gravitate towards businesses that exude confidence and reliability. When entrepreneurs confidently stand behind their products or services, it reassures customers, building trust and loyalty. This customer confidence is pivotal in building long-term relationships and a strong brand reputation.

Key Points:

    • Strengthens customer trust in products and services.
    • Enhances brand reputation and reliability.
    • Encourages repeat business and customer referrals.
    • Builds a loyal customer base committed to the brand.

The confidence projected by a business attracts customers and also turns them into advocates, amplifying its success and reach.

Cultivates a Competitive Edge

Given the fiercely competitive business landscape, standing out requires much more than a great product or service; it requires confidence. A confident approach to business strategy, marketing, and customer engagement can set a venture apart, offering a unique value proposition that resonates with the target market.

Key Points:

    • Differentiates the business in a crowded market.
    • Enhances the appeal of products or services.
    • Strengthens the company’s brand and identity.
    • Drives innovative and bold marketing strategies.

This competitive edge, rooted in self-confidence, enables businesses to participate in the market and lead it, charting a path of sustained growth and innovation.

Fuels Persistence in Challenges

Persistence in the face of challenges is a hallmark of entrepreneurial success, and self-confidence is its driving force. Entrepreneurs who are confident in their abilities and vision are more likely to persevere through difficult times. This unwavering determination is critical for overcoming obstacles and moving closer to achieving business goals. Self-confidence fuels a positive mindset, helping entrepreneurs to stay motivated and continue pushing forward, even when faced with setbacks. It’s the belief in oneself and one’s venture that makes it possible to endure the inevitable ups and downs of running a business.

Key Points:

    • Enables entrepreneurs to maintain focus and determination.
    • Helps in overcoming self-doubt and fear during challenging times.
    • Encourages a resilient approach to problem-solving.
    • Supports the mindset of learning from mistakes rather than being deterred by them.

By developing a sense of self-assurance, entrepreneurs can navigate the entrepreneurial journey with the persistence needed to succeed.

Inspires Creative Thinking

Creative thinking in entrepreneurship provides innovative solutions to complex problems and sets a business apart from its competitors. Self-confidence encourages entrepreneurs to trust their instincts and explore unconventional ideas, leading to creative breakthroughs. Confident entrepreneurs are more likely to question the status quo and experiment with new approaches, unhampered by the fear of failure. This openness to experimentation and innovation is crucial for developing unique products, services, and business models that captivate the market.

Key Points:

    • Promotes the exploration of novel ideas and approaches.
    • Reduces the fear of failure that can inhibit creativity.
    • Encourages risk-taking in pursuit of innovative solutions.
    • Facilitates the expression of one’s authentic self through creative endeavors.

Cultivating self-confidence is one of the best ways to unlock the creative potential necessary for entrepreneurial success.

Accelerates Adaptability to Change

Entrepreneurs with high levels of self-confidence are better equipped to embrace change and adapt their strategies accordingly. Confidence in one’s abilities creates a proactive approach to change, enabling entrepreneurs to quickly pivot in response to market shifts, technological advancements, or competitive pressures. This agility ensures that the business remains relevant and competitive, even in the face of uncertainty.

Key Points:

    • Enhances the ability to respond swiftly to market changes.
    • Encourages openness to new ideas and approaches.
    • Supports the continuous evolution of business strategies.
    • Builds resilience against the uncertainty inherent in entrepreneurship.

Adaptability, fueled by self-confidence, is essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of the business world.

Builds Negotiation Confidence

Self-confidence equips entrepreneurs with the assertiveness and persuasiveness needed to negotiate effectively. Confident entrepreneurs are more likely to enter negotiations with a clear understanding of their value and objectives, leading to more favorable outcomes. This confidence can be contagious, instilling a sense of respect and equality among negotiation partners.

Key Points:

    • Enhances assertiveness and clarity in negotiations.
    • Improves the ability to articulate and defend one’s position.
    • Builds respect and credibility with negotiation partners.
    • Leads to more favorable and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Enhances Crisis Management

Crisis management is an inevitable aspect of running a business, requiring calm, decisive action. Entrepreneurs who possess confidence in their abilities are better prepared to handle crises effectively. This self-assurance enables them to assess situations clearly, make tough decisions under pressure, and lead their teams through turbulent times. Confidence also aids in maintaining a positive outlook, which is vital for handling crises without succumbing to despair or indecision.

Key Points:

    • Facilitates calm and rational decision-making in crisis situations.
    • Encourages leadership and decisiveness under pressure.
    • Helps maintain a positive outlook during challenging times.
    • Supports effective communication and team mobilization in response to crises.

A confident approach to crisis management can safeguard a business’s continuity and reputation.

Promotes Proactive Goal Setting

Proactive goal setting is essential for business growth and success. Entrepreneurs who are confident in their vision and capabilities are more likely to set ambitious, yet attainable, objectives for their ventures. This forward-thinking mindset involves breaking larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, making the journey towards success more structured and achievable. Confidence also plays a key role in maintaining commitment to these goals, even in the face of adversity.

Key Points:

    • Encourages the setting of ambitious, yet achievable, goals.
    • Supports the breakdown of larger objectives into manageable tasks.
    • Fosters commitment to goal attainment.
    • Enables continuous progress monitoring and adaptation of strategies.

Effective goal setting, driven by self-confidence, lays the groundwork for sustained business success.

Supports Assertive Marketing Strategies

Especially in a competitive field of business, assertive marketing strategies are important for capturing attention and building a strong brand presence. Self-confidence empowers entrepreneurs to pursue bold marketing initiatives, confident in the value and uniqueness of their offerings. This assertiveness can lead to innovative campaigns that resonate with the target audience, driving brand recognition and customer engagement.

Key Points:

    • Drives the development of bold and innovative marketing campaigns.
    • Enhances the ability to convey the unique value proposition of the business.
    • Builds brand presence and visibility in a crowded market.
    • Engages and captivates the target audience.

Assertive marketing, rooted in confidence, is key to carving out a distinct space in the market and attracting customers.

Fosters Positive Workplace Culture

A positive workplace culture is instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent, and self-confidence is at its core. Confident leaders help cultivate an environment of trust, respect, and empowerment, encouraging employees to take initiative and contribute their best work. This culture of positivity and confidence boosts morale, enhances collaboration, and drives productivity, contributing to the overall success of the business.

Key Points:

    • Encourages a culture of trust, respect, and empowerment.
    • Boosts employee morale and job satisfaction.
    • Enhances collaboration and teamwork.
    • Contributes to higher productivity and business success.

Cultivating a positive workplace culture, anchored in confidence, is essential for nurturing a motivated and committed workforce.

Facilitates Networking Opportunities

Networking in entrepreneurship opens doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and knowledge exchange. Self-confidence increases one’s ability to connect with others, making networking efforts more effective and fruitful. Confident entrepreneurs are more likely to make a strong impression, build meaningful relationships, and leverage these connections for business growth.

Key Points:

    • Enhances the ability to make strong, lasting impressions.
    • Builds meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
    • Opens doors to new business opportunities and collaborations.
    • Facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Effective networking, driven by self-confidence, is key to expanding one’s business horizons and fostering collaborative growth.

Drives Personal and Business Growth

Entrepreneurs who believe in themselves and their vision are more likely to invest in their development, accept new challenges, and push their businesses to new heights. This growth mindset leads to continuous improvement, innovation, and expansion, laying the foundation for long-term success.

Key Points:

    • Encourages continuous personal and professional development.
    • Drives the pursuit of new challenges and opportunities.
    • Supports innovation and business expansion.
    • Lays the foundation for sustainable long-term success.

In building self-confidence, entrepreneurs equip themselves with the mindset and resilience needed to drive ongoing growth and achieve their fullest potential.

How do you build self-confidence as an entrepreneur?

Building self-confidence as an entrepreneur is not an overnight task but a long-term process of consistent practice and mindset shifts. Here are some strategies and tips to help fortify your confidence and propel your entrepreneurial endeavors forward.

Find Your Why

Understanding your core motivation for becoming an entrepreneur is a powerful way to boost your confidence. This clarity helps you handle challenges with purpose and determination. When you’re aligned with your ‘why,’ every obstacle becomes more manageable, and your resolve strengthens.

Focus on Your Strengths

Entrepreneurs need confidence in their abilities. Concentrate on what you do best and leverage these strengths to grow your business. Recognizing and utilizing your talents can significantly increase your confidence levels.

  • Identify your key skills and how they benefit your business.
  • Delegate tasks that fall outside your strengths to avoid burnout.
  • Celebrate successes that result from your unique capabilities.

Do What You Say, Say What You Do

Reliability breeds confidence. Make a habit of keeping your promises, both to yourself and others. This consistency in action and word not only builds trust with your team and clients but also reinforces your self-belief.

  • Set achievable goals and follow through.
  • Be honest and transparent in all your business dealings.
  • Reflect on your commitments regularly to ensure you’re on track.

Master Your Pitch with Practice

A well-practiced pitch can significantly increase your self-confidence as an entrepreneur. Knowing your value proposition inside and out enables you to persuade others with conviction, from investors to customers.

  • Practice your pitch in various settings to refine it.
  • Seek feedback to improve your delivery and content.
  • Record yourself to analyze your performance and make necessary adjustments.

Stay Informed in Your Field

Knowledge is power, and staying updated in your industry can greatly enhance your confidence. Understanding market trends, emerging technologies, and competitors’ strategies allows you to make informed decisions and positions you as an authority in your field.

  • Subscribe to leading industry publications and podcasts.
  • Attend webinars and conferences related to your business.
  • Engage in discussions with peers to gain different perspectives.

Seek Constructive Feedback

Feedback is invaluable for growth. It helps you understand others’ perceptions of your business and where you can improve. Welcoming constructive criticism demonstrates confidence in your abilities and openness to learning.

  • Request feedback regularly from customers and team members.
  • Create a culture where feedback is encouraged and valued.
  • Analyze feedback for actionable insights, not personal criticism.

Take More Calculated Risks

Taking risks is inherent to entrepreneurship, but calculated risks are what often lead to significant rewards. Assessing potential downsides and having contingency plans in place can boost your confidence to take bold steps.

  • Analyze the potential outcomes of a risk before proceeding.
  • Develop a risk management strategy for your business.
  • Learn from the outcomes of past risks, whether successful or not.

Network with Fellow Entrepreneurs

Building relationships with other entrepreneurs can provide a support system, offer advice, and open up new opportunities. Networking allows you to exchange ideas, share challenges, and learn from the experiences of others, which can significantly build your confidence.

  • Join local or online entrepreneurial groups and forums.
  • Attend industry networking events and conferences.
  • Be proactive in offering help to others, as it often leads to reciprocal support.

Develop Financial Acumen

Understanding the financial aspects of your business is crucial. Being able to manage budgets, forecast financial needs, and understand financial statements gives you confidence in making decisions that affect the bottom line.

  • Invest in financial management courses or workshops.
  • Utilize accounting software to keep track of your finances.
  • Regularly review financial reports to make informed business decisions.

Adopt Challenges as Growth Opportunities

Viewing challenges as opportunities rather than setbacks is crucial for building self-confidence in entrepreneurship. This perspective encourages resilience and fosters an optimistic outlook, essential for overcoming obstacles. When you reframe challenges as chances to learn and improve, you not only become more adept at handling future difficulties but also bolster your belief in your abilities to succeed as an entrepreneur.

  • Embrace failure as part of the learning process.
  • Analyze setbacks to identify lessons and strategies for improvement.
  • Celebrate small victories in overcoming challenges to reinforce positive outcomes.

Reinforce a Problem-Solving Approach

A problem-solving mindset is fundamental in building confidence. Entrepreneurs who approach obstacles with a solution-oriented mindset are more likely to find creative solutions and feel more confident in their decision-making. Developing this approach involves analyzing problems thoroughly, brainstorming various solutions, and implementing the most effective ones.

  • Break down problems into manageable parts to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Encourage open brainstorming sessions with your team for diverse perspectives.
  • Regularly review the outcomes of your solutions to refine your problem-solving skills.

Develop a Strong Value Proposition

A compelling value proposition is essential for any entrepreneurial venture. It clarifies what makes your product or service unique and why customers should choose it over competitors. A strong value proposition not only attracts customers but also boosts your confidence in your business’s potential to succeed.

  • Clearly articulate the benefits and unique features of your offering.
  • Continuously refine your value proposition based on customer feedback and market trends.
  • Ensure all team members understand and can communicate the value proposition effectively.

Hone Skills with Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is key to maintaining a high level of confidence in your ever-evolving industry. By consistently improving your skills and staying abreast of the latest trends, you ensure that you remain competitive and capable. This ongoing process helps you feel more confident in your expertise and decision-making.

  • Dedicate time regularly for professional development activities.
  • Attend workshops, seminars, and courses relevant to your industry.
  • Learn from every experience, whether a success or a failure.

Cultivate a Mentor Relationship

Mentors can offer invaluable guidance, support, and insights based on their experiences. Building a relationship with a mentor can significantly boost your confidence by providing you with a sounding board for your ideas and concerns. Mentors can help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship, offer advice on overcoming challenges, and encourage you when you lack confidence.

  • Seek mentors who have experience in your industry or the challenges you’re facing.
  • Be open to feedback and willing to act on the advice given.
  • Value the mentor-mentee relationship as a two-way street where both parties can learn.

Focus on Customer Satisfaction

Satisfied customers are the cornerstone of a successful business. Focusing on meeting and exceeding customer expectations not only builds a loyal customer base but also reinforces your confidence in your product or service. Positive customer feedback can be a significant confidence booster, reminding you of the value your business provides.

  • Implement feedback mechanisms to understand customer needs and experiences.
  • Address customer complaints promptly and effectively to maintain trust.
  • Continuously innovate to improve your product or service based on customer insights.

Implement Time Management Strategies

Effective time management is crucial for entrepreneurs to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and delegating when necessary, you can manage your time efficiently. This control over your schedule can significantly enhance your confidence, knowing you are making the most of your time.

  • Use tools and techniques, such as to-do lists and time-blocking, to organize your day.
  • Learn to say no to tasks that do not align with your goals or priorities.
  • Regularly review your time management strategies to identify areas for improvement.

Practice Assertive Communication

Assertive communication is vital for expressing your ideas, needs, and concerns clearly and respectfully. It fosters healthy professional relationships and ensures your voice is heard. Being able to communicate assertively boosts your confidence in negotiations, team management, and customer interactions.

  • Use “I” statements to express your thoughts and feelings without placing blame.
  • Practice active listening to understand others’ perspectives fully.
  • Maintain open body language and eye contact to convey confidence in your communication.

Adapt to Change Proactively

The ability to adapt to change is crucial for entrepreneurs. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and being able to pivot your strategies proactively can set you apart from competitors. Embracing change and viewing it as an opportunity for growth can significantly boost your self-confidence, knowing you can navigate and succeed in a dynamic environment.

  • Stay informed about industry trends and developments to anticipate changes.
  • Develop flexible strategies that allow you to pivot quickly when needed.
  • Cultivate a culture of innovation within your team to encourage adaptability.


When you think about what it takes to be good at running your own business, you might wonder if you need to start with a lot of self-confidence or if it’s something you get after you succeed. It looks like having confidence and doing well go hand in hand. Behind all the business plans and money talk, what really makes a business owner stand out is a strong belief in themselves.

This kind of confidence does more than push ventures forward; it changes the way we think about success. What could happen in your own business or career if you let self-confidence lead the way? Could the real key to success be not just in the plans we make, but in how much we believe in them?


Q: What is an example of self-confidence in business?

A: In business, self-confidence often manifests as the ability to make decisive choices under pressure. Picture a CEO facing a high-stakes decision about launching a new product. Despite the risks and uncertainties, they assess the situation, trust their judgment, and move forward with conviction. This isn’t about recklessness but rather a calculated belief in one’s capabilities and decision-making process.

Q: Do entrepreneurs have high self-esteem?

A: Generally, entrepreneurs do exhibit higher levels of self-esteem. This trait is pivotal as it fuels their resilience, enabling them to navigate the rollercoaster journey of building a business. High self-esteem supports their willingness to take risks, face setbacks, and persist in the face of adversity. It’s this robust belief in their worth and abilities that often sets successful entrepreneurs apart.

Q: How can entrepreneurs deal with imposter syndrome?

A: Entrepreneurs can tackle imposter syndrome by acknowledging their achievements, seeking support from mentors, and reminding themselves of their capabilities and accomplishments.

Q: Why is self-confidence important for building relationships in entrepreneurship?

A: Self-confidence is important for building relationships in entrepreneurship as it enables entrepreneurs to communicate effectively, network with others, and establish trust and credibility.

Q: How can entrepreneurs become confident enough to take risks?

A: Entrepreneurs can become confident enough to take risks by focusing on their strengths, seeking feedback, and embracing uncertainty as a part of the entrepreneurial journey.

Q: Why is self-confidence important when hiring people for your business?

A: Self-confidence is important when hiring people for your business as it helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions, communicate their vision effectively, and inspire confidence in potential employees.

Q: How does self-confidence help entrepreneurs overcome the fear of failure?

A: Self-confidence empowers entrepreneurs to overcome the fear of failure by fostering a positive mindset, providing resilience, and encouraging them to learn and grow from setbacks.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.