13 Reasons Why People Do Not Follow Their Dreams

Why do people not follow their dreams? Chasing bold dreams seems like the stuff of fantastical films and fictional stories – fun to imagine but too impractical to actively pursue in real life. Yet history shows prioritizing passion promises more fulfillment than money or fame alone. 

Still, a staggering 98% of people die without ever fulfilling their most precious dreams! Why do so few chart courses toward imaginative horizons and vibrant purpose?

This eye-opening guide dives into the leading reasons dreams drift into permanent procrastination rather than living vibrantly now. By understanding what holds us back, we can conquer fears, doubts, excuses and behaviors sabotaging our chances for awe-inspiring lives on our own unique terms.

Destiny awaits out there beyond sterile routines and repetitive days if we can just discover the courage to chase dreams smarter and bolder than ever before!

Why Do People Not Follow Their Dreams

Many of us have dreams that we desperately wish to pursue – a passion for art, a desire to start a business, or a goal to travel the world. But it takes work and courage to turn dreams into reality.

And so our biggest hopes remain merely dreams, while we follow societally-expected, predictable paths. Why is chasing our dreams so scary? What holds us back from going for it? Let’s dig into 13 reasons dreams end up abandoned.

Fear of failure holds them back from taking risks.

When we envision chasing a long-held dream, failure is a big fear. What if I try to become a professional artist but can’t pay my bills? Or if I start my own event planning company but lose money?

The embarrassment of failing – of looking foolish for chasing “unrealistic” dreams seems too hard to face. The desire to avoid failure and ridicule is strong. But in protecting our pride and illusion of control, we sacrifice our shot at true happiness and fulfillment. 

With careful planning many risks are avoidable. And with courage and resilience, even failure brings growth. Don’t let fear of failure cost you your dreams without a fight!

  • Worry about embarrassing mistakes or setbacks.
  • They avoid challenges that may lead to failure.
  • Anxiety over not reaching their goals.
  • Lack of resilience to recover from potential failures.

They feel pressured to follow societal expectations.

From childhood, the message is clear that doctors and lawyers and engineers make parents proud, while dreamers struggle. We face intense pressure to take a conventional path with predictable prestige and pay. But chasing someone else’s expectations comes at the cost of your unique talents and joys. Betraying your own interests to please others or fit in may not seem dramatic, but over a lifetime it leads to profound emptiness and regret.

Know yourself, evaluate pressures thoughtfully, communicate openly, and don’t be afraid to respectfully walk your own road when dreams diverge from those around you. This is your precious life – make choices with your fulfillment at heart as much as possible.

  • Family or community encourages traditional career paths.
  • They fear disappointing others by choosing a non-standard route.
  • Belief that conforming brings acceptance or approval.
  • They think following dreams is irresponsible compared to stable options.

They lack confidence in their own abilities.

When we imagine shifting to pursue a long-held dream, toxic self-doubts often creep in. Maybe as a child people made you feel incapable of achievement in certain areas, fueling imposter syndrome fears. Or perhaps you worry everyone else has more talent or experience that allows them to pursue passions successfully.

But rather than allow past belittling to rob you, dig deeper. What skills can be gained? Remember abilities grow, so where could you start? Small progress builds confidence and competence. And comparing yourself to others distracts from personal growth. Tune out inner critics while tuning into enthusiasm.

With vision and steady practice, let self-belief blossom. You are worthy and capable of achieving your wildest dreams!

  • Doubt their skills or potential to succeed.
  • Compare themselves negatively to others.
  • Think they aren’t good enough to achieve big goals.
  • Fear they won’t improve even with effort.

Comfort in routine makes them avoid change.

Daily routines feel warm, familiar, and predictable, while pursuing long-held dreams represents a scary plunge into the unknown. Our habits and weekday schedules orderly and straightforward compared to the chaos of disrupting that to chase a passion. The thought of lost stability and income while paving an untested path terrifies.

Of course the certainty of routines limits new horizons and locks in boredom as well. We must reflect carefully – is fear of uncertainty holding us captive from the expansive growth dreams offer?

Start small by incorporating little steps down new roads each day, no matter how minor. Inch by inch, boldness will grow as curiosity and courage conquer fear of the unfamiliar.

  • Routine feels safe and predictable.
  • Unwilling to disrupt their daily life for uncertain outcomes.
  • They prefer stability over risk-taking.
  • Fear of stepping into the unknown.

They procrastinate, waiting for the “perfect” time.

When a tucked-away dream resurfaces, taking concrete action requires vulnerability. What if I fall flat on my face and confirm my parents were right that I couldn’t make it as a musician? Self-protection kicks in – I’ll start later when the conditions are perfect! I just need more savings, skills, industry connections first before diving in.

But concrete planning falls by the wayside as we wait endlessly for a mystical sign affirming our hidden talents. Meanwhile months and years zip by. Let go of the fantasy that a magical moment will eliminate all risk and uncertainty the day you launch your long-held passion.

Commit to small preparatory steps today. With grit and responsibility, handle what comes while moving wisely towards dreams.

  • Belief that circumstances will improve later.
  • Avoid decisions by delaying action.
  • Use excuses to justify putting off progress.
  • Fear that now is not the right time to start.

Negative feedback discourages them from pursuing it.

Vocal critics chipping away at dreams with demeaning feedback also deter dreamers. Rather than objectively processing constructive criticism to keep improving, we absorb toxic people’s projections and cheap shots. Every cruel dig at skills, each snubbing of talents rings our internal alarm – “See, I knew I shouldn’t waste time chasing this silly fantasy!”

Lacking self-confidence and resilience makes negative noise louder. But determined dream-chasers clarify goals, filter feedback, and fine-tune skills without handing over power. While humbly developing talents, remember – mocking critics more often reflect soul pain than offer truth.

Stay the course – each perseverant step towards fulfilling dreams proves limiting perspectives wrong.

  • They feel disheartened by criticism from others.
  • Focus too much on negative opinions.
  • Assume feedback means they’re not capable.
  • Fear of rejection pushes them to give up.

They underestimate the effort needed for success.

Chasing dreams looks easy in inspiring online posts – just follow your passion! But sweat and late nights hide behind curated images. When optimism meets reality, half-efforts fall short. Progress demands consistency resisting distraction’s tug. It means shaking off exhaustion to put in work, then more work.

Underprepared, dreams stall when struggle surfaces. Planning helps gauge effort required for your goal – skills needing honing, funds to earn. Map milestones to pace progress. Understand this is a marathon, not a sprint. Respect required effort, prepare fully, pace yourself, and commit to persist. Then chase dreams wisely, eyes open to the work it takes.

  • Assume success will come quickly or easily.
  • They’re unprepared for long-term commitment.
  • Overlook the hard work and discipline required.
  • Lack of realistic expectations for the journey.

Financial insecurity stops them from taking action.

Money worries also push dreams aside. Risking stable income to follow a passion seems questionable when bills pile up. But rather than let fear of temporary financial instability kill dreams entirely, get strategic. Start by reining in expenses to save up a cushion. Develop skills on the side to ultimately earn from your passion. Build community support in case funds run short. With detailed planning, money fears diminish. And what is enough security anyway?

Prioritize richness of experience – a life energized by meaning over money. If finances intimidate, budget thoroughly, develop backup options, and clarify your non-negotiables. Then, strengthened with smart preparation, confidently take the next step toward your dream career.

  • Fear of losing their current income or financial stability.
  • Lack of savings or resources to invest in their dream.
  • They worry about the risk of financial loss.
  • Uncertainty about how to fund their path.

They fear judgment from others for their choices.

Along with inward doubts, outward judgments also block dreams. We know those raised eyebrows, tired sighs, and subtle jabs meant to “instill realism”. The sting of enduring skepticism toward unconventional passions lasts for years. From parents, partners, friends – their lack of confidence in our abilities cuts deep, planting seeds of self-doubt.

But while considering input thoughtfully, remember – this is your precious life. Define yourself from within, not without. Stay humble and keep developing talents to justify your path if you must. But ultimately, kindly walk the road that most wholly aligns with your interests. Fulfillment comes from living out your soul’s purpose – not meeting everyone’s expectations.

  • Worry about others thinking their dream is unrealistic.
  • Fear being labeled as impractical or foolish.
  • Concerned about being misunderstood by peers.
  • They feel uncomfortable standing out from the crowd.

They lack a clear plan and focus for their goals.

Even with passion, dreams remain simply wishful thinking without planning. When desire lacks direction, days slip by untethered. We know we want to open a bakery someday…yet don’t allot time to gain baking skills now. Make dreams concrete with step-by-step roadmaps. Plot backwards from the end goal to map milestones.

Schedule weekly blocks to chip away. Break giant leaps into tiny, daily progress. Channel hope’s energy into defined channels focused squarely on your dream. Replace nebulous wishing with bold, systematic doing. Inch closer each day with clear tasks, mini celebrations, and consistency. Vague dreams demand structure to manifest.

  • No step-by-step strategy for achieving their dream.
  • Easily distracted by other tasks or ideas.
  • They struggle to prioritize or make decisions.
  • Their goals feel overwhelming without direction.

They prioritize immediate rewards over long-term dreams.

Giving up momentary pleasures for future fulfillment goes against human nature. After visualizing a dream, motivation fizzles when Netflix beckons. Each day we choose – binge a show now or spend that hour honing creative skills? The comfort of immediate rewards distracts. But dreams require sustaining focus beyond what’s easy. Progress demands trading short-term fun for long-term gain.

Create accountability and space without constant digital temptation. Inspire endurance by remembering why you yearn for this dream so deeply. Rechannel that passion into commitment. Stay persistent, keep showing up through discomfort. Progress compounds over years – don’t lose vision during each day’s small tests.

  • They focus on short-term satisfaction instead of future gains.
  • Lack of patience for the long-term commitment needed.
  • They avoid delayed gratification for quicker, easier options.
  • Settle for less fulfilling achievements for quick rewards.

Constant self-doubt paralyzes their decision-making.

Along with external critics, an inner voice also pipes up: “Who do you think you are?” “You don’t have what it takes.” This constant self-doubt is sly and destructive if left unmanaged. But the skill to acknowledge then pivot beyond negative narratives strengthens over time. Counter self-attacks by getting rational – ask “Is this completely true all the time?” Press pause, then lead yourself to higher perspective.

You are far more than limiting stories. Recall past wins, write encouraging notes, picture your highest self, and walk toward growth. Yes, develop humble self-awareness – but don’t let false doubt deter you. Stay bold through the inner turbulence, keep sight of your North Star.

  • Second-guess their every move or choice.
  • Hesitate to commit to any path.
  • Fear making the wrong decision leads to inaction.
  • They question whether they deserve success.

They surround themselves with unsupportive people.

The company we keep powerfully determines life paths. Surrounding ourselves with friends and family who mock unconventional dreams or exhibit negativity fosters doubt in our abilities. Their voicing of “concerns”, focus on worst-case scenarios, or pessimistic mindsets slowly infect our thinking. We absorb their lack of confidence in us.

Yet we possess power in choosing companions carefully. Evaluate current relationships – do they encourage you, share wisdom, and cheer you on? Make conscious effort to spend less time with clinical skeptics and critics. 

Instead, seek out those brimming with optimism, who uplift you higher. Their buoyant belief in you bolsters resilience on the inevitable hard days chasing dreams.

  • Friends or family don’t encourage their ambitions.
  • Negative influences criticize their dreams.
  • Lack of positive role models or mentors.
  • Their environment doesn’t promote growth or motivation.


So, why do people not follow their dreams? Fears, doubts, societal pressures, and more keep most dreams forever trapped as pipe dreams. With so many complex obstacles in play, it makes sense that the vast majority of people fail to achieve their most cherished dreams and die with regrets.

But armed with self-awareness of our key pitfalls, we can now consciously work to dismantle these dream-killing barriers. We can face down our fears, upgrade self-talk, ignore naysayers to live out soul-aligned passions. We can systematically chip away at excuses and self-limitations holding us back until finally more dreams manifest.

While obstacles always exist, nothing fully blocks you from wisely moving toward your dreams starting today. You now hold the awareness and insights to break from the crowd. It’s time to write your own story and relentlessly follow your dreams, biggest visions, and goals. The life you desire awaits – go confidently make it a reality!


Why do people hesitate to pursue their dreams?

People hesitate due to fear of the unknown, lack of confidence, and the comfort of their current situation. Overthinking, societal pressures, and feeling that their dreams are unrealistic can also hold them back.

What fears hold people back from following their dreams?

Fear of failure, judgment, and uncertainty often prevent people from pursuing their dreams. They worry about the consequences of failing and how others may perceive them.

How does self-doubt impact one’s ability to follow their dreams?

Self-doubt leads to negative self-talk, which undermines confidence and motivation. This makes it difficult for people to believe in their abilities, preventing them from taking action.

Why do financial concerns prevent people from chasing their dreams?

Financial insecurity is a major obstacle, as people fear losing stability. Dreams often require resources and sacrifices, which seem risky when financial stability is uncertain.

How does a lack of support affect people’s pursuit of their dreams?

Without encouragement or guidance from family, friends, or mentors, people may feel isolated and less confident, making it harder to pursue their goals.

What role does fear of failure play in not following dreams?

Fear of failure can be paralyzing, preventing people from even trying. They focus on potential negative outcomes rather than the possibility of success.

Why do people settle for comfort instead of pursuing their dreams?

Comfort provides security, making it hard to leave behind. People often choose familiarity over risk, even if it means sacrificing long-term fulfillment.

How do societal expectations stop people from following their passions?

Societal pressure to conform can lead people to prioritize traditional paths over their dreams. Fear of judgment or being seen as irresponsible keeps them from pursuing their true passions.

Can past failures discourage people from following their dreams?

Yes, past failures can create self-doubt and fear of repeating mistakes, causing people to avoid trying again and abandoning their dreams.

Why do people procrastinate on their dreams?

People procrastinate due to fear, uncertainty, and feeling overwhelmed. Everyday distractions and perfectionism also cause them to delay taking action.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.