How to Discipline Yourself From Temptation: Tips to Resist Temptation

Willpower alone flat-out doesn’t work. Anyone who claims otherwise is probably trying to sell you something. Accountability is your enforcement system – it turns those fuzzy “someday” promises into actual results. It’s pretty simple: having someone waiting for you at…
You ever look at some people and wonder how they manage to be so consistent? It’s as if they’ve got this secret sauce, some hidden vault where they keep all their extra hours, energy, and motivation. Meanwhile, you’re over here…
We’ve all been told the clichés: “Mind over matter,” “Believe in yourself,” “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Sounds nice, but is there actually any science behind all this positive thinking hype? Turns out—yes, there is. Enter…
Here’s the thing: when it comes to time management, you’re not really busy; you’re just really good at making everything take forever. Whether it’s drafting an email, finishing that report, or launching a new project, somehow, it all expands to…
Self-discipline is something we all wish we had more of. But is being disciplined something we’re born with, like eye color, or is it something we can learn, like riding a bike? Is self-discipline a skill or trait? This article…
How do you discipline and not punish? It’s a tricky question that many parents, bosses, and even ourselves face (when we try to discipline ourselves). When we talk about disciplining without punishing, we’re talking about finding a way to correct…
When it comes to guiding kids, managing a team, or just managing yourself, knowing the difference between punishment and discipline is super important. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they mean very different things, are done in very different…