How to Discipline Yourself From Temptation: Tips to Resist Temptation

“Personal Growth” addresses more “internal” elements – emotional, psychological, and spiritual development that a person experiences over time. This can involve topics like emotional intelligence, personal values, confidence building, self-awareness, mindset shifts, resilience, and other aspects of personal evolution and self-improvement.
Willpower alone flat-out doesn’t work. Anyone who claims otherwise is probably trying to sell you something. Accountability is your enforcement system – it turns those fuzzy “someday” promises into actual results. It’s pretty simple: having someone waiting for you at…
Who am I really? And how do I find out who I am as a person? These are age-old questions that humans have grappled with across millennia. Yet in our busy modern lives filled with constant stimulation and pressure to…
Going against the flow and thinking differently than everyone else can seem scary. But when you’re brave enough to question ideas that others accept without thinking, amazing stuff can happen. Although it may not win popularity contests, having the courage…
“You need friends to survive.” But if you’re like me, you may have thought, “Do I though?” There’s something intoxicating about solitude, the silence, the space to think, the uninterrupted time to scroll through memes without a single soul asking what…
Finding your true self and purpose in life is one of the most important things you can do. Without knowing who you really are deep down and what gives your life meaning, it’s all too easy to wander through life…
Being your authentic self is non-negotiable for happiness, yet so many of us wear masks or hide parts of ourselves in order to please others. We compromise what we really want because of fear, self-doubt, and the pressure to conform.…
Jealousy rears its green-eyed head in some pretty obvious ways – but how can you REALLY tell if someone envies your success? It’s not always easy to tell. After all, most of the time envy is buried deep down where…