
Do Entrepreneurs Have No Friends?


It’s no secret that entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. It’s like being on a boat in the middle of the ocean, with only your thoughts and dreams to keep you company. You’re the captain, the navigator, and the crew all in one. But does that mean you have to give up your social life and become a hermit crab?

Let’s face it, entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a constant battle of risk-taking, problem-solving, and perseverance. And while your friends might not understand the struggle, they can still be a lifeline in the midst of the storm.

They’re the life rafts that keep you afloat when your business hits rough waters. And they’re the lighthouses that guide you back to shore when you’re lost in the fog of uncertainty.

So, do entrepreneurs have no friends?

Entrepreneurs do have friends, but they may have fewer close relationships due to their busy schedules and focus on their businesses. They often prioritize work over socializing, which may limit their time for leisure activities. However, they can still maintain relationships by being intentional and carving out time for their loved ones.

Entrepreneurs may also be more selective about who they choose to spend time with. They’re aware that their time is limited and will only invest it in people who are genuinely interested in them (and not just their business).

This may seem like a benefit, but it also means they may miss out on opportunities to form deeper relationships. In fact, owning a business means you will lose your friends due to many reasons.

Why do entrepreneurs tend to lose friends?

The sheer amount of dedication entrepreneurs have is only part of the story. Here are some other reasons entrepreneurs tend to lose friends throughout their journey:

Entrepreneurs may have to prioritize work over social events.

Entrepreneurs may have to choose work over social events, which can lead to the loss of friendships. Starting and growing a business takes a lot of time and effort, and entrepreneurs often have to work long hours, including weekends and holidays.

This can make it challenging to maintain friendships as entrepreneurs may have to cancel plans or miss events due to work commitments.

Entrepreneurs may need to take risks that their friends may not understand or support.

Entrepreneurs sometimes make decisions that their friends don’t understand or support, and this can lead to conflicts and strained relationships. These decisions often involve taking risks, such as investing time and money in a new business idea or leaving a stable job to pursue a passion project. 

While entrepreneurs may believe in their vision, their friends may not share the same level of enthusiasm or may simply be more risk-averse. This can create tension and make it difficult for entrepreneurs to keep close friendships while pursuing their goals.

The stress and pressure of running a business can lead to mood changes.

Running a business can be tough, and it can affect an entrepreneur’s mood. It can be a stressful and high-pressure endeavor that often involves having to juggle multiple tasks at once, make difficult decisions, and deal with uncertainty. This stress can sometimes lead to mood changes, such as irritability, anxiety, or depression.

As a business owner, there is a lot to worry about, from finances to staff to competitors. Especially if the entrepreneur is not able to manage their emotions effectively, this can lead to unhealthy responses. As a result, entrepreneurs may find that they lose friends as they become more abrasive and withdrawn.

Entrepreneurial success can create envy and jealousy in friends.


Why do you lose friends when you become successful? When entrepreneurs achieve success, it can create feelings of envy and jealousy among their friends. This is because success can highlight differences in ambition, talent, and luck between individuals.

As a result, friends who are not as successful may feel left behind or resentful, causing tension and potentially leading to the loss of friendships. This makes it important for entrepreneurs to understand that success can affect their relationships and to be mindful of how they communicate and interact with their friends during this time.

The pressure to constantly network can interfere with friendships.

Business development is essential for entrepreneurs to grow their companies, but the process of expanding can take time away from keeping in touch with existing friends. As entrepreneurs become more successful, they may also find that their social circle changes, as they are spending more time with business associates and colleagues. While entrepreneurs may realize the power of being alone, they also understand that the right network is key for attaining success.

Additionally, entrepreneurs may feel like they have outgrown their old friendships as they pursue their business goals, causing them to drift apart.

Entrepreneurs may struggle to relate to friends with more traditional careers.

You’ll lose 99% of your close friends if you start upgrading your life. This can happen because entrepreneurs often have a unique way of thinking and working, which may differ from their unsuccessful friends who likely work in more structured environments. Entrepreneurs may also feel like they don’t have much in common with their friends anymore. It may lead to them spending less time with friends because they no longer feel that their friendship is mutually beneficial.

As a result, entrepreneurs may need to seek out other like-minded individuals who share their entrepreneurial spirit and understand their lifestyles.

Entrepreneurs may have to relocate for business opportunities.


Entrepreneurs may need to move to a new city or country for business opportunities. This is because some locations may offer more resources, customers, or lower costs of operation. Relocating can be a challenge, and entrepreneurs may have to leave behind their friends and social support networks.

This can make it difficult to maintain friendships and relationships from afar. However, for some entrepreneurs, the potential benefits of moving to outweigh the costs of leaving their social support network behind.


Entrepreneurs are often very busy and can have trouble making time for friends. They may also struggle to find a balance between their personal relationships and the needs of their business. But it’s important to remember that entrepreneurs are still people and need social interaction, just like everyone else!

Entrepreneurs do have friends, but they may face some unique challenges when it comes to maintaining those relationships. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, most successful entrepreneurs understand that they need to build a strong support network. If you want to be successful, remember: your business is only as good as the people around you.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.