Is Being Independent Selfish?


Independence is the liberating feeling of standing on your own two feet, making decisions for yourself, and navigating through life with autonomy. It’s an experience and status many strive for and dream of achieving.

But hold on a second – is there a darker side to this seemingly empowering concept? Could being independent actually be, dare we say it, selfish?

Am I selfish for wanting to be independent?

No, wanting to be independent does not make you selfish. Independence is a natural part of human growth and development. It signifies self-reliance and the ability to take care of oneself, which are important aspects of maturity. However, it’s essential to balance independence with empathy and consideration for others.
Let’s break down the key differences between independence and selfishness to put your mind at ease.

What is the difference between selfish and independent?

When we think about selfishness, we often imagine someone who cares only for themselves, disregarding the needs and feelings of others. Independence, on the other hand, is all about standing on your own two feet and not being overly reliant on others. While they may seem similar, there’s a world of difference between the two. Let’s dive deeper into these distinctions.

Prioritizing Self vs. Self-Sufficient

  • Selfish people prioritize their own needs over others, often at the expense of those around them.
  • Independent individuals are self-sufficient, able to meet their own needs without relying on others, but still remain considerate of others’ feelings and needs.

Isn’t it better to be self-reliant and considerate rather than putting ourselves first at every turn?

Empathy vs. Autonomy

  • A selfish person may lack empathy and disregard others’ feelings, leading to strained relationships and unhappy acquaintances.
  • An independent person values autonomy, but still considers the emotions of others and strives to maintain healthy relationships.

What’s the use of independence if we’re only going to push people away?

Collaboration vs. Solo Work

  • Selfishness can hinder teamwork, as selfish individuals may not play well with others or contribute to group efforts.
  • Independence enables one to work effectively alone or in a group, adapting to different situations and collaborating when necessary.

Are you someone who can work well in a team, or do you tend to hog the spotlight?

Decision-Making Impacts

  • Selfish decisions can harm others, creating negative consequences for those involved.
  • Independent choices respect the well-being of all involved, striking a balance between personal needs and the needs of others.

Who knew that thinking for yourself could be so beneficial for everyone around you?

Relationship Dynamics

  • Selfish behavior strains relationships, causing people to feel used or undervalued.
  • Independence fosters healthy interdependence, where both parties maintain their own identity while still valuing and supporting each other.

After all, don’t we all want relationships where independence is attractive and cherished?

Resource Sharing vs. Self-Reliance

  • Selfish individuals hoard resources for themselves, often without considering the needs of others.
  • Independent people rely on their own capabilities and resources without depriving others, making them better equipped to navigate life’s obstacles.

Sharing is caring, right? So why not be a resourceful and considerate independent person?

Personal Growth vs. Self-Centeredness

  • Independence promotes self-development and adaptability, enabling you to grow and learn from various experiences.
  • Selfishness stunts growth by focusing on personal gains, often leaving you ill-prepared to face life’s challenges.

Are you ready to take on the world and embrace navigating life’s obstacles with a growth mindset?

Emotional Intelligence vs. Emotional Isolation

Isn’t life so much better when we can share our emotions and experiences with others while still standing strong on our own?

Trust and Communication

  • Selfishness can erode trust in relationships, as people may feel manipulated or deceived.
  • Independence encourages open communication and mutual respect, fostering trust and stronger connections.

Have you ever noticed how trusting someone becomes so much easier when they’re honest and independent, rather than secretive and self-serving?

Responsiveness vs. Detachment

  • A selfish person may be unresponsive to others’ needs, making them seem detached and uncaring.
  • An independent person is able to respond appropriately without compromising their autonomy, showing genuine concern for others while maintaining their own identity.

It’s all about striking the perfect balance, right? Why not be responsive and caring while still holding onto your independence?

Embracing Independence Without Being Selfish


Now that we’ve explored the differences between selfishness and independence, it’s time to embrace your personal independence without crossing the line into selfishness.

Being independent is difficult, and finding a balance of collaboration with others can be just as much of a challenge. By practicing self-awareness and empathy, you can enjoy the benefits of being independent without alienating those around you.

Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

  1. Be self-aware: Reflect on your actions and decisions, ensuring they align with your values and don’t negatively impact others.
  2. Practice empathy: Put yourself in others’ shoes and consider their feelings when making decisions.
  3. Communicate openly: Share your thoughts and feelings with others, and be receptive to their perspectives.
  4. Collaborate: Embrace teamwork and recognize the value of working with others, even if you prefer to work independently.
  5. Prioritize personal growth: Continue to develop your skills and knowledge, making you a more valuable asset to yourself and those around you.

By consciously working to maintain a healthy balance between independence and empathy, you’ll be able to enjoy the best of both worlds.

After all, not following the crowd doesn’t mean you have to leave everyone behind.


Independence is a beautiful thing, and when approached with empathy, self-awareness, and open communication, it can be a powerful force for personal growth and stronger relationships. So, embrace your inner lone wolf, but remember to keep your pack in mind along the way.

After all, being independent doesn’t have to mean being selfish – and we’re sure you’ll find that the journey is all the more rewarding when you’re surrounded by the people you love and who love you back.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.

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