Doing things alone is intimidating for many, but it’s something everyone will encounter and have to do at some point in their lives. And going to places like a restaurant alone is one of them.
So, is it weird to go to a restaurant alone?
No, going to a restaurant alone is perfectly okay since there is nothing wrong with wanting to eat alone in general, much less at a public place. Whether you prefer a solitary dining experience or simply don’t have anyone to eat out with, going to a restaurant alone is quite common.
Why do I feel awkward going to a restaurant alone?
While eating out is socially acceptable and normal, it can be an uncomfortable experience for some, which can make it “feel weird”. It only appears awkward if you make it so. The following are some ways that can make going to a restaurant alone look and feel weird.
You are uncomfortable being alone.
If you are not used to being alone and simply don’t enjoy your own company, then going alone to a public place like a restaurant will make you feel and look weird, which will then make the experience weird. Especially if it’s at a place you’ve never been to before, your discomfort will only be amplified since you’re in an unfamiliar environment.
Being out in public, especially at restaurants, requires you to engage your social skills in situations like requesting a table, ordering food, asking for assistance, interacting with random people, etc. And if you have poor social and communication skills, the experience will be somewhat weird.
You overthink things too much.
If you tend to overthink and care too much about what others think about you, then going alone to a restaurant will make you feel awkward. You probably worry too much about whether people are judging you for being alone at a restaurant.
How do I not be awkward at a restaurant alone?

Fortunately, there are ways around this so that you feel more at ease and even pleased to eat alone at a restaurant. Here are a few tips for dining out alone without feeling awkward.
Make a reservation ahead of time.
If you worry too much, plan ahead. Making a reservation in advance allows you to be prepared so that you don’t end up awkwardly pacing around looking for a table. This eliminates the stress of unfamiliarity since you already have an idea of where to go and sit when you arrive.
Bring some entertainment.
Spending alone time at a restaurant means you can bring some entertainment with you to keep you company. Consider bringing a good book, some good music, or listening to a podcast during your stay. This will help keep your mind occupied and busy from any negative or insecure thoughts you might otherwise indulge yourself in.
Opt for some comfort food.
Being alone means you have the luxury of picking where and what you want to eat. To significantly eliminate any awkwardness, consider eating at your favorite restaurant and ordering some comfort food that will make you feel at ease. Being in a familiar place with familiarly pleasing foods will make you feel almost right at home since you know what to expect.
Why is it not weird to go to a restaurant alone?
While others may find it mortifying, going to a restaurant alone can be a pleasurable and beneficial experience in some ways. The following are some reasons why it is totally okay to go to a restaurant alone and how you can make the most of the experience as a pleasant one.
You get to eat what you want.

Eating out alone means you get to take your pick in the food you want to eat without anyone judging your meal choices. This also means there is no social pressure to force you to pick food depending on what your companions would otherwise get. This is because when you eat out with a group, all of you tend to order somewhat similar foods, as well as how much. When you dine out alone, you can decide for yourself what you want to eat, and how much of it you want.
You get to eat in peace.
Going to a restaurant alone means you are dining in solitude, which can be quite a relaxing experience since you can more deeply focus on the food and your thoughts. This alone time allows you to savor and experience the food more, while also providing you with personal space for practicing mindfulness and introspection.
You can try something new.
Solo dining also means you are free to be as spontaneous as you want, which gives you the opportunity to try different things. Whether it’s a new restaurant, food, or way of eating, you can explore your different interests and curiosities when it comes to dining.
Eating leisurely at your own pace.
When we eat out with friends or family, we tend to adjust our eating pace with just about everyone else’s. But when you are alone, you can eat as fast or as slow as you please. You might even find yourself enjoying your food more since you are eating at a more leisurely pace.
You get to pick where you want to eat.

The biggest struggle in eating out with a group of people is deciding where to eat since everyone is likely to have varying preferences about the place and food. Going to a restaurant alone means you get to choose where you will eat, which makes the experience that much more enjoyable since you don’t have to force yourself to eat somewhere where you don’t like the food or venue.
While the experience may be uncomfortable for many, going alone to a restaurant is not unusual since there are plenty of valid reasons why someone would be eating alone. Whether it’s because they have no one available to dine with or simply prefer eating in solitude, going to a restaurant alone is perfectly normal and widely common.