13 Signs You’re Being Yourself: Are You Being Authentic?

Do you ever wonder if you’re truly embracing your authentic self? It can be tricky sorting through all the external noise and expectations to connect with your core identity.

But there are definite signs you can tune into to know if you’re living genuinely true to yourself. I’m talking about signs you’re being yourself – not masking or pretending or chasing someone else’s dreams.

When you develop self-awareness around these signs of authentic identity, you unlock freedom – the freedom that comes from making choices true to your soul. You minimize self-betrayal and post-decision regrets. You untangle from the burdens of other’s shoulds to respect and trust yourself enough to pursue your own passions. You give yourself permission to quirkily and unapologetically express your true self.

Let’s look into some of the top signs you can observe in your attitudes and behaviors when you’re genuinely aligned with your most authentic self. Use this as inspiration to reflect on your own alignment – and course correct wherever needed to get back on track with who you uniquely are.

What does it mean to be yourself?

Being yourself means staying true to who you are, including your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It’s about not pretending to be someone you’re not just to fit in or make others happy. It’s fully accepting your unique qualities, values, and personality.

Why is it important to be yourself?

It’s important to be yourself because it leads to genuine happiness and self-confidence. When you are true to yourself, you attract people and opportunities that align with who you really are. It also reduces stress and anxiety that can come from pretending to be someone else.

13 Signs You’re Being Yourself

What does it really mean to be yourself? It’s living authentically – making choices that align with your core values and beliefs, instead of conforming to others’ expectations. When you’re able to do this, you start to unlock greater happiness, self-respect, and life fulfillment.

But how do you know if you’re truly being your authentic self? Here are 13 key signs.

You Speak Your Mind Without Fear of Judgment

When you feel comfortable candidly sharing your thoughts and opinions without worrying about backlash or criticism from others, it’s a sign you’re embracing your true self. You value open, respectful dialog and aren’t afraid to voice dissent if you believe it’s justified.

Of course, being considerate and mindful of others is still important. But you can do this while standing firmly in your truth. You trust that the right people will appreciate you speaking openly and honestly.

  • Share your thoughts even if they differ from others.
  • Express opinions confidently without worrying about others’ reactions.
  • Stand by your beliefs, even in challenging situations.
  • Feel at ease voicing your perspective in group settings.

You Make Choices Based on What Truly Matters to You

Life is full of options, and it’s easy to get distracted by everyone else’s shoulds. But those in alignment with their authentic selves have clarity on their own top priorities. They know what brings purpose and meaning to their lives – be it family, spirituality, creativity, advocacy, nature, service, or something else.

When evaluating options, they refer back to their inner compass and choose the path that will nourish their soul. This allows them to live days fueled by inspiration rather than obligation.

  • Prioritize decisions that align with your values.
  • Choose activities that bring you joy, not just what’s popular.
  • Avoid making choices solely to please others.
  • Reflect on what matters most to you before making decisions.

You Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin

When you’re connected to your true self, you develop ease and acceptance of who you are as a human being. Although we all have areas of ourselves we’re working on, self-acceptance stems from recognizing your inherent worth isn’t contingent upon hitting certain targets. You appreciate both your gifts and your imperfections for what they are.

Rather than nitpicking or trying to hide flaws, you show up authentically and give yourself grace knowing everyone has beautifully messy parts. You feel at home in your body and spirit.

  • Accept your physical appearance without comparing yourself to others.
  • Wear clothes that reflect your style, not just trends.
  • Carry yourself with confidence in all settings.
  • Embrace your identity and background with pride.

You Trust Your Instincts and Follow Them

Our inner voice often holds wisdom that our conscious mind misses. When aligned to your authentic self, you’re able to tap into your innate intuition and insight. And importantly, you trust those gut instincts enough to follow where they lead you. 

If something feels off, you pay attention to that feeling rather than ignoring it. If you get a nudge to take a chance on something new, you lean into it. This allows you to tackle life in flow with your unique internal compass guiding you one step at a time.

  • Make decisions based on gut feelings without second-guessing.
  • Act on opportunities that feel right, even without full information.
  • Resist overthinking situations where your instincts are clear.
  • Feel confident relying on your inner voice to guide you.

You Set Boundaries and Enforce Them

Letting people take advantage of you isn’t noble – it’s a betrayal of self. Those connected to their true selves know they have every right to set boundaries around their time, energy, and life. They have clarity for themselves on what’s acceptable and what crosses the line. 

When someone oversteps, these individuals kindly but firmly enforce their boundaries without shame or guilt. Saying “no” when needed prevents resentment and supports self-care. Even though phrases like “go with the flow” sound nice, inner peace comes from balancing going with the flow with appropriate self-protection.

  • Clearly communicate what’s acceptable and what’s not in relationships.
  • Stand firm when someone crosses your boundaries.
  • Recognize when to say no without feeling guilty.
  • Protect your time and energy by upholding your limits.

You Embrace Your Quirks and Imperfections

No one on the planet has the exact blend of quirks and imperfections as you. And isn’t that amazing?! Your distinctive collection of strengths, growing edges, and eccentricities is precisely what makes you exceptional. Those walking fully in their true selves deeply appreciate this.

They don’t expect themselves to conform to some stuffy definition of proper. Instead, they accept, embrace, and even celebrate their weirdness and flaws as part of the creative diversity that makes the human experience so fascinating. They can poke fun at themselves, feeling at home in their one-of-a-kind skin.

  • Accept the parts of yourself that are unique, even if they’re different from others.
  • Highlight your quirks as strengths rather than weaknesses.
  • Avoid trying to hide or change your natural behaviors.
  • Celebrate what makes you different in a positive way.

You Pursue Passions Without Seeking Approval

When you’re in touch with your authenticity, you follow passions that light you up – no external validation is required. You pursue hobbies, activities, and interests simply because they nourish your spirit. You’re not swayed to chase goals or dreams because someone else said you should.

Likewise, you won’t abandon something you love just because others don’t understand it. You’ve realized seeking outside approval is an endless hamster wheel that disconnects you from your soul. So you develop self-approval to pursue endeavors that speak to you.

  • Engage in hobbies and interests that excite you, regardless of others’ opinions.
  • Focus on activities that fulfill you, not just those that impress others.
  • Spend time on your passions without needing external validation.
  • Follow career or personal paths that resonate with you, even if they’re unconventional.

You Express Emotions Honestly and Openly

Tuning out emotions leads to inner turmoil. Those connected to their true selves process feelings as they arise rather than bottling them up. They give themselves permission to authentically express emotions like anger, sadness, joy, anxiety, and vulnerability.

Of course, they do so constructively – not using them to attack others. This emotional honesty not only prevents build-up and overreactions down the road but also allows deeper intimacy in relationships. You show people your layered, colorful humanity.

  • Share your true feelings without holding back.
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable in appropriate situations.
  • Respond to situations with genuine emotional reactions.
  • Be open about both positive and negative emotions.

You Laugh at Your Own Jokes

Even if no one else finds you hilarious, you crack yourself up and that’s enough. You poke fun at your own quirks and cheerfully chuckle at awkward moments others might hide. This shows you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you genuinely appreciate your personality.

You delight in, rather than criticize, your special brand of humor – even if it’s a bit odd at times. When you stop second guessing whether parts of yourself are “good enough” by external metrics, you give yourself the freedom to light up at your own internal amusement park.

  • Find humor in your own thoughts and comments.
  • Enjoy your sense of humor, even if others don’t always get it.
  • Feel confident making light of situations to entertain yourself.
  • Laugh at yourself without feeling embarrassed.

You Stay True to Your Values, Even Under Pressure

When facing criticism, resistance, or persecution, those disconnected from self easily waver. In contrast, those rooted in authentic identity stand firmly in their truth – no matter how strong opposing forces seem. Because their sense of self comes from within, no argument or attack can unground them.

They know certain things are non-negotiable core parts of who they are. So whether defending human rights or refusing to tell a lie, they stick to their guns. They’d rather self-destruct on their own terms than betray their essence for approval or acceptance.

  • Make decisions that align with your core beliefs, even when it’s tough.
  • Resist compromising your principles in difficult situations.
  • Stand up for what you believe, even if it’s unpopular.
  • Consistently act according to your values in both big and small moments.

You Don’t Change to Fit In with Others

Chameleons constantly adapt their looks, views, and personality to blend into their surroundings. In contrast, authentic people don’t bother masking themselves to impress new crowds. They show up unconditionally as they are – quirkiness and all.

If someone has an issue with their style, passion, or humor, too bad. They would rather be disliked for who they are than loved for pretense. They refuse to delete any uniqueness or tone themselves down for conditional belonging. Those who vibe with their realness become treasured friends.

  • Stay authentic in social situations without adjusting your behavior.
  • Resist the urge to conform to others’ expectations.
  • Keep your opinions and actions consistent, regardless of the group you’re with.
  • Feel comfortable being different from those around you.

You Stand Up for What You Believe In

Aligning actions to values builds self-trust and strength of character. When you believe in a cause, you support it – whether publicly marching or privately casting your vote. You sign petitions for justice reform. You call out discrimination when you see it.

You refuse to fund organizations misaligned with your ethics. Standing on the sidelines would feel like a betrayal of self. Speaking your truth allows you to look back proudly on contributing your voice to the changes you wish to see in the world.

  • Defend your beliefs when they’re challenged.
  • Speak up for causes or ideas you care about.
  • Stay firm in your stance, even if it’s not the majority view.
  • Advocate for others when it aligns with your principles.

You Feel at Peace with Your Decisions

Making choices from your inner wisdom develops alignment between your daily life and your soul’s longings. When you set goals, make purchases, forge relationships, and map the next steps using your core values as a guide, you minimize post-decision regrets. Instead of second-guessing or wondering “what if?”, you feel contentment for following your authentic heart – even if some choices don’t pan out the way you hoped.

You know you didn’t betray yourself or make reckless compromises; regardless of outcomes, your process was mindful. This allows you to flow through life with minimal internal resistance.

  • Reflect on choices with confidence and satisfaction.
  • Avoid dwelling on past decisions with regret.
  • Trust that you made the best choice with the information you had.
  • Feel content knowing your decisions reflect who you truly are.


There you have it – a roundup of 13 major signs you’re living true to your one-and-only authentic self! Tune into these to gain insight into whether your daily decisions reflect your highest identity expression and core values.

Celebrate the areas you feel genuinely aligned – and gently realign aspects feeling off track.

Stay true to what makes you wonderfully and imperfectly YOU! When you live authentically and make choices grounded in self-awareness, you unlock greater purpose, inspiration, inner peace, and joy.

Not a bad payout for showing up genuinely as yourself. Keep reflecting on these signs you’re being yourself as fuel to fearlessly walk your distinctive life path.


Can you lose yourself by trying to please others?

Yes, constantly trying to please others can lead to losing your sense of self. When you prioritize others’ expectations over your own values, you may start conforming to what others want, leading to a diminished sense of identity and disconnect from your true self.

How do social pressures impact your sense of self?

Social pressures can cause you to conform to societal norms, suppressing your true thoughts and behaviors. This can lead to inner conflict and dissatisfaction as you struggle to express your authentic self, making it crucial to resist compromising your individuality for acceptance.

What are the benefits of being authentic?

Being authentic boosts self-confidence, fosters genuine relationships, and increases life satisfaction. It reduces stress by aligning your actions with your values, allowing you to live more freely and connect deeply with others.

How can I start embracing my true self?

Start by reflecting on your core values and passions. Practice self-acceptance, set boundaries, and surround yourself with supportive people. Embrace your uniqueness and gradually become more comfortable with who you are.

Is it normal to struggle with being yourself?

Yes, it’s normal to struggle with being yourself due to external pressures and fear of judgment. This challenge is part of the journey to self-discovery and authenticity, requiring patience and self-reflection.

How can I maintain my authenticity in challenging situations?

Maintain authenticity by staying true to your values, even under pressure. Reflect on what matters to you, communicate honestly, and stand by your beliefs. Self-awareness and assertiveness will help you navigate challenges without compromising your integrity.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.