
Why Do You Lose Friends When You Become Successful?

lone man walking down dark road at night

Have you noticed that when you become successful, people tend to leave? As soon as your life changes for the better, the people around you often change.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but it happens more often than people think. Whether you’re starting a business, publishing a book, or making a name for yourself in any way, you’ll notice that the people closest to you will either be there for you or won’t.

Being successful can cause friendships to end due to reasons, including jealousy and a shift in values. As you achieve success, your priorities and interests may change, leading to a natural drifting apart from those who don’t share your goals. Additionally, some people may feel threatened or resentful of your accomplishments and distance themselves as a result.

To further accentuate this point, research has found that people who are more successful tend to have fewer close friends than those who are less successful.

If you’re wondering why people might back away from their friend as that person succeeds, let’s look at some potential reasons.

Why do we lose friends with success?

There are many reasons why people lose friends with success, including:

Outgrown friendships due to different goals and interests.

As you grow and achieve success, it’s common to become more independent and outgrow friendships due to different goals and interests. You may find that your priorities change, and the things that once brought you and your friends together no longer align.

This means that some friendships may no longer feel as fulfilling as they once did. When your aspirations and hobbies differ greatly from those of your friends, it can be difficult to find common ground and maintain a close relationship.

Instead, you look for new connections with people who share similar hobbies or beliefs as you. This is because reaching success means you will naturally gravitate toward people who will further your career and help you grow. This can lead you to distance yourself from your old group of friends, who may not have the same experiences or values as those in your new circle.

Limited time for socializing due to new responsibilities.

melting broken clock

The world of entrepreneurship can be well worth it, especially if you manage to attain success through it. But it’s also important to note that a person’s success can often come with a lot of new responsibilities. After all, there’s only so much time in the day, and when you’re working hard to achieve your goals, it can be difficult to find the time to socialize. If people see that you prefer working alone and you’re more busy than usual or spending less time with them, they may assume that your friendship has lost some importance in your life.

Even though you may want to spend more time with your friends, your new responsibilities can make it challenging to find the time. As a result, you may lose touch with some of your friends over time.

Success may cause insecurity, jealousy, and resentment in friends.

When you achieve success, it can trigger negative feelings like insecurity, jealousy, and resentment in some of your friends. They may compare themselves to you and feel inadequate, or they might be envious of your achievements. This can cause tension and strain in your friendships, especially if your friends don’t communicate their feelings openly.

Difficulty relating to friends due to higher status.

It’s clear that entrepreneurs can make a lot of money, and when you achieve above-average levels of success, it can sometimes be challenging to relate to friends who haven’t had the same level of success. This difficulty can arise because your friends may feel envious or insecure about your accomplishments, or they may simply not understand the challenges and pressures that come with success.

As a result, it may be challenging to maintain the same level of closeness and connection with these friends that you had before. You may also find that you have less in common, or that they are less supportive of your goals and aspirations.

Major changes in priorities and availability.

You may have less time to hang out or your focus may shift to your work or other pursuits. Your friends may also have different priorities and schedules, making it a challenge to sustain friendships.

As a result, you may drift apart from some peers, and new friendships may form with people who share your current priorities and lifestyle. This is especially true for lonely entrepreneurs since they tend to have drastically different values and schedules compared to most of their social group.

Discomfort with newfound status may lead to distancing.

This could be due to discomfort with your newfound status, meaning they feel uneasy or awkward around you now. They may worry about how to act or what to say around you. This discomfort can make them pull away and stop spending time with you. It’s not always intentional, but it can be hurtful nonetheless.

You may have done nothing to deserve it, but your new status may feel like a punishment in itself.

Difficulty maintaining long-distance friendships due to frequent relocation.

airplane flying over diverse land of nature

When people are busy and successful, they often have to move around a lot, which is especially true in certain industries, like politics or entertainment.

Long-distance friendships require effort and dedication from both parties and when you’re the one constantly on the move, it can be challenging to keep up with the people you care about. It’s likely that your friends will find this difficult to accept and can feel like they’re being left behind.

And despite your best intentions and efforts to stay in touch, it’s possible that distance will eventually cause the relationship to fade away.

True intentions are revealed through success.

Success can reveal the true intentions of your friends. When you achieve success, you may notice that some of your friends start to act differently toward you. Some friends may become more supportive, and happy for you, while others may become resentful or even try to take advantage of your new status. The way your friends react to your success can reveal their true intentions toward you.

Success can bring out both the best and worst in people, and it’s important to pay attention to how those around you respond to your achievements.

Increased attention and privacy concerns may strain friendships.

As you become more successful, most likely through business, you may find that your increased attention and privacy concerns strain your friendships. And while there might be plenty of good reasons to be self-employed and successful, you might start to feel like your friends are always asking for something from you, and you don’t have the time or energy to give it.

Additionally, you might start to become more guarded about your personal life and hesitate to share details with your friends. This can create tension and distance between you, and if not addressed, can lead to the end of the friendship.

How do friends affect success?

successful business man in private jet

First of all, we need to understand what we mean by “success.” Success can mean different things to different people. It could mean achieving a particular goal, making a lot of money, or being happy and fulfilled in life. But regardless of how you define success, friends can have a significant impact on it.

Friends are more than just people you hang out with or have fun with. They can be an essential part of your support system, providing emotional and practical support when you need it.

When you have supportive friends who believe in you and your goals, it can greatly skyrocket your confidence and independence to pursue them.

Additionally, friends can also influence your behavior and choices. If you have friends who engage in positive behaviors like studying hard, exercising regularly, or working towards their goals, you may be more likely to do the same.

On the other hand, if your friends engage in negative behaviors like smoking or drinking excessively, it can be harder to avoid those behaviors yourself.

This makes it important to remember that not all friends are created equal. Some may be more supportive or helpful than others, and some may even hold us back or discourage us from pursuing our dreams.

So, it’s crucial to choose our friends wisely and surround ourselves with people who uplift and inspire us.

Can you have friends and be successful?

Of course, you can have friends and be successful! Being successful doesn’t mean you have to be completely isolated and sacrifice your friendships. In fact, having good friends can encourage independence and even help you be more successful with the right support system.

Friends can provide support, advice, and motivation when you need it. And success is not just about career or money, it can mean achieving your personal goals and being happy. So, don’t worry about choosing between friendship and success. You can have both! 

How can you be successful without alienating your friends?

There are a few things you can do to make sure that your friends are still around when you’ve reached your goals. One of the key factors to achieving this balance is self-discipline, which allows you to manage your time effectively, prioritize your relationships, and stay focused on your goals. Below are some tips that will help you find a balance between success and friendship:

  1. Keep your priorities in check and make sure your friends know they are still important to you.
  2. Share your success with your friends and show them you appreciate their support along the way.
  3. Avoid bragging or showing off, and instead, be humble and grateful for your accomplishments.
  4. Don’t let your success change who you are and stay true to yourself and your values.
  5. Be considerate of your friend’s feelings and make sure you are not unintentionally making them feel inferior or left behind.
  6. Remember that success is not a competition and that there is enough room for everyone to succeed.
  7. Don’t use your success as a means of validation or superiority over your friends, and instead focus on building meaningful relationships.
  8. Find ways to include your friends in your success, such as inviting them to celebrate with you or sharing opportunities with them.
  9. Be a supportive friend and encourage your friends to pursue their own goals and dreams.
  10. Keep communication open and honest with your friends, and address any issues or concerns that may arise.


Losing friends when you become successful is a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Success can change relationships, but it’s important to remember that true friends will support and celebrate your achievements, while others may feel threatened or jealous.

It’s essential to surround yourself with people who encourage and inspire you and to let go of those who bring you down or hold you back. Success is a journey that can be lonely at times, but with the right people by your side, it can also be incredibly rewarding.

Remember to stay true to yourself, stay humble, and keep striving for your dreams.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc main, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in challenging himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, racking up lose streaks in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the millionth time.