Why is it important to educate yourself?

grand old tree with a foundation of books

There’s a saying by Jim Rohn that goes “Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.” He’s right.

The world is changing at an exponential rate, more so than ever, and there’s never been more need for people to continually educate themselves on how best to adapt to these changes.

Educating oneself is essential because it expands knowledge and skills, enabling a better understanding of the world and making informed decisions. It opens up opportunities, improves resourcefulness, fosters personal growth, and helps find purpose and fulfillment, ultimately leading to a more successful and better quality of life.

But before exploring further the question “Why is it important to educate yourself”, let’s first take a small step back and answer the basics: What does educating yourself mean?

What does it mean to educate yourself?

What is self-education? To educate yourself means to take the responsibility to learn independently and grow, to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world around you, and to develop new skills and abilities.

It means taking the initiative to seek out new information, challenge your own assumptions, and explore new ideas and perspectives.

Education is not just about memorizing facts or passing exams. It’s about developing a love of learning and a curiosity about the world. It’s about becoming a critical thinker, asking questions, and seeking out answers. It’s about developing the ability to think for yourself, form your own opinions, and express them clearly and persuasively.

Now, how do you go about educating yourself? Well, the first step is to be curious. Ask questions, read widely, and explore new ideas. Seek mentors and experts who can guide you and help you to develop your skills and knowledge.

Take advantage of opportunities to learn, whether that means attending classes or workshops, watching online videos or tutorials, or simply practicing on your own.

The importance of self-education cannot be overstated since, without self-education, you’ll never realize your full potential as a human being, and many other things.

Why is it important to educate yourself?

There are many reasons why it’s important to educate yourself, and what happens when you educate yourself is something that will benefit you in many ways.

Here are some of the most important reasons why it’s so important to educate yourself:

Increase knowledge and understanding of the world.

boy exploring a dark magical cave with books

As you educate yourself, you gain information about various subjects, such as history, science, culture, and more. This knowledge broadens your perspective and helps you see the world from different angles.

By increasing your knowledge and understanding, you can become a better-informed citizen, and help you make informed decisions and form opinions based on facts. And the more you know, the better equipped you are to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Improve job marketability and expand career opportunities.

By acquiring new knowledge and skills, you become more valuable to potential employers and can differentiate yourself from other job candidates. This can lead to better job prospects and higher earning potential.

Additionally, expanding your skillset can open up new career paths and provide opportunities for growth within your current field. Investing in education can be a smart way to enhance your career prospects and increase your earning potential over time.

Independent learning for work and the rest of your professional life is especially true if you educate yourself in a valuable field or skill that is not taught in traditional educational institutions.

Boost confidence and self-esteem with increased knowledge and skill.

When you acquire new knowledge or master a new skill, you feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself. This feeling of achievement can help to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Additionally, as you become more knowledgeable and skilled, you may feel more competent and capable in various areas of your life. This increased sense of competence can also contribute to a more positive self-image.

Foster creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

Creative thinking and problem-solving skills are crucial for success in both personal and professional life. These skills allow you to approach challenges in innovative ways and find solutions to complex problems.

By fostering your creative thinking abilities, you can come up with unique ideas and perspectives that can set you apart from others. Developing your problem-solving skills can help you tackle challenges more efficiently and effectively.

Develop a growth mindset and adapt to changing circumstances.

To grow in life, it’s important to have a mindset that embraces change and challenges. This is called a growth mindset. When you have a growth mindset, you believe that your abilities and intelligence can improve with effort and practice. You’re not afraid to take on new challenges or try new things, even if you fail.

Developing a growth mindset is essential because it helps you adapt to changing circumstances, which is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. By learning to embrace change and challenges, you can better navigate life’s ups and downs and achieve your goals.

Cultivate independent thought and self-reflection.

By cultivating independent thought, you can analyze information critically and form your own opinions. Self-reflection helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and make better decisions.

Educating yourself on diverse topics can broaden your perspective, challenge your beliefs, and stimulate your curiosity, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life. This is important because it allows you to make more educated decisions based on your own beliefs and values rather than blindly following what others tell you to do. Plus, practicing independent and unbiased opinions in public can also help to encourage independence in others, making you a good role model worth emulating

Promote a deeper appreciation and understanding of different cultures and beliefs.

By educating yourself on the customs, traditions, and values of other cultures, you can expand your perspectives and become a more open-minded individual. This knowledge can also help you navigate cross-cultural interactions with more empathy and respect.

As a result, gaining a deeper understanding of different cultures and beliefs can broaden your horizons and make you a more well-rounded global citizen. 

Foster self-discovery and find purpose in life.

Learning about yourself and discovering your purpose in life is an important aspect of education. When you know your strengths, weaknesses, and what truly drives you, you can make better decisions about your career, relationships, and overall life goals.

By fostering self-discovery, you can gain a better understanding of who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it. This can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life, as you are living in alignment with your values and passions. Education can provide you with the tools and resources to explore these aspects of yourself and find your true calling in life.

Develop a love and habit of lifelong learning.

person standing on stack of books to reach glowing light bulb

Learning doesn’t stop once you finish school. It’s important to continue learning throughout your life. Developing a love and habit of lifelong learning means that you make a commitment to continue to seek new knowledge and skills throughout your life, regardless of age or circumstances. This could mean taking courses or independent reading on topics that interest you or simply staying curious about the world around you.

By making lifelong learning a priority, you can stay intellectually engaged, expand your knowledge and skills, and improve your ability to adapt to new situations. It also helps you to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world, which means that you will be more likely to succeed in your career and other areas of life.

Helps develop deep focus and concentration.

Learning and educating yourself helps you develop deep focus and concentration by training your brain to stay on task for extended periods. By engaging with new information, you strengthen neural pathways associated with attention and memory.

Through consistent practice, you can improve your ability to sustain focus and ignore distractions. This is particularly important in today’s world, where distractions are everywhere and the average person has a shorter attention span.

Promotes and builds self-discipline through independent learning.

Learning independently requires a lot of self-discipline, which is the ability to control one’s actions, thoughts, and feelings in pursuit of a goal. By educating yourself, you are taking control of your own learning and building self-discipline in the process.

This means that you will be able to set goals for yourself, make plans to achieve them, and stick to those plans, even when it’s difficult. It also requires you to stay motivated and on track without the structure of a traditional classroom setting, further building your self-discipline and perseverance.

Through this, you will develop a sense of responsibility and a strong work ethic that will benefit you throughout your life.

Encourages and develops curiosity throughout life.

Curiosity is an essential trait that helps you learn new things and grow as a person. Educating yourself encourages and develops curiosity throughout life. It’s like a never-ending cycle of learning and questioning that fuels your desire to explore and understand the world around you.

When you foster curiosity, you open yourself up to new opportunities for growth and development. This can help you become a more versatile individual and help give you the tools you need to succeed in whatever career path or life direction you choose.

Helps keep up with changing technology and trends.

space ship in futuristic environment

Keeping up with changing technology and trends is important because it helps you stay relevant in your field and makes you more adaptable to new opportunities.

By educating yourself on the latest advancements, you can better understand how they can be applied in your work or personal life. Those who stay informed are better equipped to navigate and utilize new tools and systems. Additionally, staying aware of emerging trends can help you identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

Provides opportunities for establishing a legacy and impact.

As a person who educates themselves, you will be able to establish a legacy and impact that is unique only to you.

This is because self-education allows one to explore their own interests and passions, which can lead them toward finding their niche or place in the world. It gives one the opportunity for individuality, and to make a difference in their own way.

When you educate yourself, you create opportunities to leave a lasting impact on the world. By acquiring knowledge and skills, you can make a difference in your community, industry, or even the world. Your actions and contributions can become part of your legacy, something that will be remembered long after you are gone.

Whether it is through your career, volunteer work, or personal passions, educating yourself can help you make a positive difference and create a meaningful impact.

Of course, it’s one thing to understand the importance of educating yourself, and it’s another to actually do it. Fortunately, if you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of ways and resources to help get you on the right track.

What is the best way to educate yourself?

person entering a giant brain made of books

There is no single best approach to education because what works for one person might not be appropriate for another. This is because every individual has a different set of needs, interests, and goals. The best way to educate yourself is to choose the approach that works best for you.

Some of the most popular and effective methods one how to educate yourself include:

  • Reading books on the topics of interest.
  • Taking online courses from reputable institutions.
  • Attending workshops and seminars.
  • Listening to podcasts and watching webinars.
  • Participating in discussion boards and forums.
  • Following influencers and thought leaders in your field.
  • Taking part in mentor programs.
  • Taking online tests to assess your knowledge.
  • Networking with other professionals in your field.
  • Learning through hands-on experience.

While these are all great ways to learn, it’s important to note that some methods will be more effective than others depending on your learning style.

For example, if you prefer to learn from watching and listening rather than reading, you may want to consider taking an online course or listening to podcasts instead of reading books.

The key is to explore various methods and develop a learning strategy that will cater to your strengths and interests. You may also want to consider using a combination of methods that will allow you to learn in a way that’s both effective and enjoyable.


It is immensely important to educate yourself if you want to live a fulfilling life and accomplish all that you are capable of, make educating yourself a top priority. Whether it’s reading books, listening to podcasts, enrolling in online courses, or seeking out new experiences, there are countless ways to learn and grow.

Remember, education is a lifelong process. You never stop learning, and you never stop growing. So, take the time to educate yourself and invest in your greatest asset: your mind.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.

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