10 Modern Examples of Self-Reliance

Self-reliance, or being able to accomplish tasks independently with little-to-no dependence on others, has various modern examples that showcase how significant it is in people’s lives today.

From financial and practical independence to confidence that comes from taking charge of one’s own needs, modern examples of self-reliance highlight why this concept remains a key skill in the 21st-century world.

This article explores different modern examples of self-reliance and discusses their impact on both an individual and societal level.

How does self-reliance apply to modern society?

Here are a few ways that the concept of self-reliance can apply to modern society:

  • Financial independence. Striving to be financially independent and not overly reliant on debt or government assistance programs aligns with ideals of self-reliance. This could mean living within one’s means, saving and investing, and funding one’s retirement.

  • Learning useful skills: Even in our technologically advanced society, maintaining practical life skills promotes self-sufficiency. Skills like basic home and auto repair, cooking, sewing, gardening, and more allow people to do more themselves.

  • Questioning mainstream narratives. Self-reliance includes critical thinking and avoiding blind acceptance of popular narratives. Carefully examining all sides of issues rather than going along with the crowd reflects principles of independent thought.

  • Taking personal responsibility. Rather than blaming systemic issues and external factors for problems, the self-reliant attitude stresses taking responsibility for one’s life situation and being proactive in creating change. This mindset facilitates progress.

  • Preparing for disruption/hard times. Natural disasters, job loss, supply chain issues – self-reliance has always involved preparing for hard times. Stocking emergency supplies and having contingency plans aligns with this principle.

However, pure individualism has limits. Even the self-reliant rely on community and cooperate with society in interdependent ways for needs like healthcare, infrastructure, governance, culture, and more. The concepts should be thoughtfully balanced based on the issue at hand.

Modern Examples of Self-Reliance

In contemporary society, various examples illustrate the resurgence of self-reliance. These examples encompass diverse aspects of life, showcasing individuals and communities taking control of their circumstances through innovative means.

Off-Grid Living

Off-grid living involves sustaining oneself without complete reliance on public utilities. People may generate their own electricity, harvest rainwater, grow their own food, and build homes using sustainable materials.

Living off the grid requires self-reliance, innovation, and determination.

  • Utilizing alternative energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines
  • Harvesting rainwater for household use
  • Implementing composting toilets for waste management


Entrepreneurs rely on their own abilities to identify problems, create solutions, and build businesses. Rather than working for an existing company, entrepreneurs such as software developers, writers, and consultants work for themselves.

They must be self-motivated and make their ventures succeed through hard work.

  • Creating businesses based on personal skills and passions
  • Embracing remote work opportunities and digital platforms
  • Adopting a mindset of self-sufficiency and adaptability

DIY Culture

The do-it-yourself (DIY) culture embraces making, building, growing, or repairing things on your own versus hiring others. DIY projects such as furniture building, vegetable gardening, and home renovations allow people to develop self-reliance.

These activities build practical life skills.

  • Learning and practicing repair skills for household items and appliances
  • Crafting homemade goods and products, from furniture to clothing
  • Engaging in upcycling and repurposing materials for creative projects


Homesteading involves living self-sufficiently off the land through farming, gardening, harvesting rainwater, and DIY construction of homes or shelters. Homesteaders rely less on stores and more on self-produced food, energy, and goods. 

These self-reliant communities support local and sustainable living.

  • Cultivating own food through gardening and livestock raising
  • Implementing permaculture techniques for sustainable land management
  • Embracing off-grid living principles for a self-sufficient lifestyle


Minimalism focuses on reducing possessions and activities to only what is necessary or meaningful. By focusing less on material goods, minimalists become less dependent on money and consumption to find fulfillment.

This allows self-reliance, freedom in lifestyle choices, and personal development.

  • Simplifying possessions and focusing on essentials
  • Prioritizing experiences over material possessions
  • Reducing environmental impact through mindful consumption

Digital Nomadism

Digital nomads use technology to work remotely and earn a living while traveling. Rather than being tied to a specific location for a job, they rely on their skills, Internet-based businesses, and abilities to generate income online.

This autonomous lifestyle requires self-motivation and financial independence.

  • Working remotely while traveling and exploring different locations
  • Leveraging technology for communication and project management
  • Embracing flexibility and autonomy in work-life balance

Community Gardens

Community gardens allow groups to collectively grow fresh produce. By relying less on supermarkets and more on cooperative gardening efforts, people gain self-sufficiency in food access.

These civic projects build connections while teaching the self-reliance of horticulture.

  • Collaborating with neighbors to cultivate shared green spaces
  • Providing access to fresh produce in urban environments
  • Fostering a sense of community and connection through gardening

Emergency Preparedness

Preparing for emergencies involves proactively stocking food, water, and medical supplies to independently manage crisis situations. By learning first aid, storing drinking water, and organizing evacuation plans, households gain self-reliance to withstand disasters. 

These self-sufficient methods build resilience.

  • Stockpiling essential supplies for potential disruptions
  • Developing evacuation plans and emergency communication channels
  • Acquiring first aid and survival skills for unforeseen circumstances

Skill Sharing

Skill sharing allows community members to trade abilities, educating one another in DIY crafts, sustainable living, homesteading, and more. Rather than paying for expert services, people barter talents. Skill shares facilitate self-reliance across communities.

  • Participating in community workshops and skill exchange programs
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise through online platforms and local gatherings
  • Fostering a culture of learning and empowerment within communities

Sustainable Living Practices

Sustainable living embraces eco-friendly habits like renewable energy, waste reduction, water conservation, and clean transportation. By relying less on fossil fuels and more on green choices, people gain energy independence.

These lifestyle changes allow self-sufficiency and environmental responsibility.

  • Reducing waste through recycling and composting initiatives
  • Conserving energy and water resources through efficient technologies
  • Supporting eco-friendly businesses and initiatives for a greener future


Modern examples of self-reliance provide important benefits for both individuals and communities.

Whether it be pursuing a passion project, growing your own food, or living off the grid, these contemporary illustrations emphasize the power of using your own skills and resources to achieve goals and gain more freedom and sustainability in daily life. 

In the end, adopting and practicing self-reliance even in small ways can build meaningful self-sufficiency for both individuals and society as a whole.


How does self-reliance manifest in entrepreneurial endeavors today?

Self-reliance in entrepreneurship often involves individuals taking initiative, making decisions independently, and assuming responsibility for their ventures’ success or failure. Entrepreneurs rely on their own skills, resources, and creativity to innovate, solve problems, and navigate challenges.

What role does technology play in enabling self-reliance in today’s world?

Technology empowers self-reliance by providing access to information, tools, and platforms for learning and productivity. From online tutorials to digital marketplaces, technology enables individuals to acquire skills, connect with others, and create opportunities independently.

What are some challenges people face when striving for self-reliance in the modern era?

Challenges to self-reliance include limited access to resources, systemic barriers, and societal expectations. Additionally, fear of failure, lack of support networks, and uncertainty can hinder individuals’ efforts to become self-reliant.

How does self-reliance contribute to resilience in times of crisis or uncertainty?

Self-reliance fosters resilience by equipping individuals with the skills, mindset, and resources to adapt and overcome challenges independently. During crises, self-reliant individuals are better equipped to problem-solve, innovate, and navigate uncertainties effectively.

In what ways does self-reliance impact mental health and well-being?

Self-reliance can enhance mental health and well-being by promoting a sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Feeling capable and in control of one’s life contributes to confidence, resilience, and overall satisfaction with life.

How can education and skill development foster self-reliance among individuals?

Education and skill development provide individuals with the knowledge, abilities, and confidence to pursue their goals independently. By acquiring diverse skills and competencies, individuals can adapt to changing circumstances and take control of their lives.

What are the economic implications of promoting self-reliance at both individual and societal levels?

Promoting self-reliance can lead to economic empowerment at both individual and societal levels. Self-reliant individuals are more likely to create jobs, drive innovation, and contribute to economic growth. Additionally, reducing dependence on external resources can enhance economic stability and resilience within communities.


Rey is an aspiring entrepreneur, avid reader, writer, LeBlanc God, Peanut butter lover, and ketchup with veggies enjoyer (???), that takes pride in tormenting himself every day with early morning runs. When he’s not reading, writing, or running, he’s either procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow, getting rekt in League of Legends, or weebing out by rewatching Maid Sama! for the 42069th time.

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